Yearly Archive: 2014

Protecting a website against spammers and robots –

This post was originally going to be a talk about what I did with to stop comments, followed by another article on how I dealt with a robots problem on the article voting system. After re-reading the article though, I decided to explain the problem a bit better and make this article somewhat informative so that you can use it on your own websites. If you’re like me then you’ll enjoy getting feedback on your work. The feedback may not always agree with my point of view, or it may suggest that my technical solutions are lacking, but at…
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Share is 7

At seven years old, can now be considered technologically midlle-aged. And now, like many things that have grown up, people are starting to give the site more attendtion. Admittedly some of it unwanted, thank you very much spammers. There are a couple of searches on Google for which this site comes up on page one. Searches that have nothing to do with my name or this site. One of my biggest successes is the article talking about how to connect a Cisco router to a BT Infinity fibre connection. For some searches on that, this site shows up as…
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I’m back… And I have a big broom!

I know, I’ve been away for a while. Perhaps a bit longer than I should have. However I couldn’t leave it any longer… The sight of 800+ (mostly spam) comments awaiting moderation was driving me mad. What I find interesting though, is in amongst these spammy comments was a couple of little jewels. I found some thank you messages from people telling me that they found the content on here useful. Seeing that made me smile, and perhaps, if people are reading, then I’ll keep writing! I may disable the posting of links into comments… If anybody is still reading,…
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