Monthly Archive: March 2012

Back to school: The start of 6.002x

As I mentioned a couple of weeks back, I signed up for a free online self-study course in Circuits and Electronics, run by MIT under the MITx programme. Today the course started and I wish to say one thing should my Electronics teachers ever see this (David Brooker or Paul Abbot) half of what the course covers I have never seen before. When it comes to pure maths, my skills are pretty week, fortunately Google has been able to help me answer some of the questions, which so far concern looking at discrete abstractions based on the V-I relationship. From…
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Your Search Queries 20/02/2012 – 26/02/2012

One of the great things about Google Analytics is the vast wealth of information it makes available to me. I can see for instance what search queries I am getting listed for, and some of them I can give a simple answer for, so here goes! Last week you searched for: 2nd Week: 01234 765093 / Computer virus phone scams See my article here 2nd Week: Raspberry Pi <something> Finally, some news, they have released the model B which is available to pre-order from RS and Farnell depending on where you live with deliveries starting soon. Also, the model A…
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