Monthly Archive: September 2012

BT Infinity on Cisco Router: Read This First!

BT Infinity – BT’s implementation of Fibre-To-The-Cabinet (FTTC) is great, especially when you compare it to standard broadband. Sadly the same cannot be said for their provided router (the HomeHub) which is useless, and happens to use your bandwidth to provide a publicly accessible hotspot for any pleb to come along and use. This guide will talk you through setting up a Cisco router to take the place of the HomeHub and teach you how to avoid some of the pitfalls that may otherwise blight your installation. First of all, you need to understand the hardware you have and what…
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What the latest Java exploits teach us about security

I contributed earlier to a disucssion on an article in The Register (Link) on dealing with malware caused as a result of security vulnerabilities in Java. The article discusses how to go about cleaning up the various pieces of Malware downloaded and requires the use of multiple security tools covered in 12 steps. As I and others suggested at this point, given an infection of this magnitude, going for a clean-up should be the last resort. Virus removals are my least favourite computer repair job since it can be virtually impossible to totally rid a system of a virus, and…
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